Grammarly vs Microsoft Word - Which writing assistant is better for in-app grammar and spelling checks

October 11, 2021

Grammarly vs Microsoft Word: The Ultimate Showdown

Writing a document is no easy task, and checking for grammar and spelling mistakes can be even harder. Luckily, there are some fantastic writing assistants available to help you out with this mundane task. But which one should you choose? In this post, we'll be comparing two well-known writing assistants: Grammarly and Microsoft Word.


Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistant that not only checks your grammar and spelling but also gives you suggestions for writing style, tone, and clarity. It has an extension that can be added to your web browser or desktop app, making it easily accessible. Grammarly can even help you check for plagiarism!

On the other hand, Microsoft Word has a built-in grammar and spelling checker, making it easier to use on the go. It also has features like autocorrect and suggestions for other words you can use for better flow.


When it comes to accuracy, both Grammarly and Microsoft Word do an excellent job. Grammarly is famous for being one of the most accurate writing assistants available, thanks to its advanced AI technology. Microsoft Word's built-in checker is also highly efficient, with a lot of iterations through the years.


Grammarly is a paid app, with different plans available depending on what you need. Their free plan is an excellent starting point, as it checks for basic grammar and spelling mistakes. The paid plans offer more advanced features, like checking for tone, clarity, and style. For those who like to ensure that their writing is top-notch, the paid plans are worth it.

Microsoft Word, on the other hand, requires a subscription to Microsoft 365 for full access to all its features.

Ease of Use

Both Grammarly and Microsoft Word are easy to use. Grammarly can be used through an extension in your web browser, so you don't even have to leave the window you're working on. Microsoft Word is a popular word processing tool, so many people are familiar with how it works.


So, which one is better for in-app grammar and spelling checks? Both Grammarly and Microsoft Word are powerful writing assistants that do an excellent job of checking for grammar and spelling errors. However, if you want more advanced features like tone, clarity, and style checking, Grammarly is the way to go. But if you're looking for a built-in solution with no additional charges, Microsoft Word is an excellent option.


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